US puts Tesla under investigation again over range discrepancy

 Everyone knows that approved range rarely agrees with real-life data, but in the United States, they are investigating Tesla for being overly optimistic. While it can be said that Tesla has conquered the world of electric mobility, it must also be recognized that this path has not been easy. The problems in development have only been a setback if we take into account the multiple and delicate situations it has gone through in recent years. The Austin company has been summoned numerous times before the judge. Legal problems accompany Elon Musk‘s brand. The last citation focuses on its approved range data. The Justice Department thinks the numbers are too optimistic.

Whether it is an electric car or a thermal one, the approval data rarely coincides with the consumption figures obtained in normal, daily use. This is mainly because in official tests driving is very different from what is done on the street. You could say that it is a laboratory test under ideal conditions. Governments have repeatedly wanted to modify the standards to increase the precision of the homologation tests, but this protocol has never been finalized. Despite this, Tesla has found itself in the eye of the hurricane.

The range data does not match the actual miles

No one can deny that those from Austin achieve figures above the industry average. Their cars stand out not only for their price but also for the low consumption obtained and the great distances they are capable of achieving. Despite this, the American Department of Justice considers that the company is excessively optimistic about the figures advertised and considers that these range may be the reason for a possible sanction for deception. More than a year ago, Tesla was accused of the same practices, although then it was the Koreans who opened an investigation.

Tesla Model 3 interior

In the United States, many customers have complained that their cars estimate an inaccurate range, but that is quite common. After the first analysis, it was found that the battery and the system itself do not present any problem, so all attention has been focused on the software in charge of measuring and estimating the remaining range. Users of electric cars from other brands such as BMW, Audi, or Porsche indicate the opposite case. Their cars estimate a more conservative range. A report published at the end of August was the trigger to continue with the investigation. Right now the court is requesting information from the company to take the next steps.

It is early to determine how this legal process will end, but everything indicates that Tesla could get into trouble for estimating figures in the instrumentation that are not met. The range of an electric car depends on a large number of factors. Consumer Reports determined that temperature is a key determinant of range, especially in the Tesla Model Y. This is not the only judicial war that the company has open. The NHTSA is investigating possible problems with the assisted driving program and in Germany, authorities are investigating whether the lane change system in their cars is legal.

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