Tesla is working on a new Yoke steering wheel

The countless criticisms received by users and experts have caused Tesla to work on a redesign of the most controversial steering wheel that has been seen in years. Tesla has always been a disruptive brand. Their crazy things and genius have made them the icon they are today, but they don’t always hit the mark with their innovations. Although their work in popularizing and electrifying the industry is indisputable, some systems and technologies that they are incorporating into their vehicles can be criticized. The yoke or ‘Yoke’ steering wheel is currently the focus of all eyes. After receiving countless criticisms from around the world, Austin engineers are working on evolution as a service advisor from the company itself has commented through Reddit.

There are times when things are as they are not for mere reasons of conservatism or tradition. The steering wheels are round or whole for simple reasoning of use and safety. When Tesla warned that he was going to take out a steering wheel split in half, many doubts were generated among the community, but few got to see the many problems that transcended the real world. We have recently been able to test it and we were not satisfied with it at all. It’s even worse than we expected.

There are several problems with the ‘Yoke’ steering wheel. The first and most obvious is its shape. By not having the upper part of the rim, maneuverability at low speed is tremendously complicated. Operations as simple as parking or unparking become complex and unsafe because the position of the hands is unnatural. In urban traffic there is also a risk of not finding the steering wheel in the specific case of facing a danger that requires a quick turn of the steering wheel. This brings us to the second factor, the most decisive of all, that makes the steering wheel a real mistake.

Tesla could have done the same as Lexus: lower the steering wheel ratio. The Japanese have reduced the turn to an angle of only 150 degrees. That means that at no time is it necessary to cross your hands. However, the Americans have maintained a normal gear ratio and it takes two and a half turns to find the steering stops, which means having to cross your hands twice with the inherent danger that this entails. It doesn’t make any sense and many customers like this have let the brand know. The pressure received has caused Tesla to have been forced to release an alternative round flywheel

tesla yoke steering wheel

The €700 it costs, for cars that already had the ‘Yoke’ steering wheel, has not impeded round steering wheels to have flown off Tesla’s shelves in a matter of days. Asked about it, the Tesla service advisor who has sparked the rumors has encouraged users not to hastily change the steering wheel since a new improved version will be presented in a few months. The interest of the entire community has been aroused and all the questions were focused on the same thing: what are those improvements?

“A new yoke with improved materials will be available for service in July 2023. ” This is where the doubts begin. If Tesla only thinks about changing the materials and not the approach of the steering wheel itself, we will find ourselves facing the same problem, but more refined. It is also possible that the company consultant has general information about the improvements, but does not know all the details of the renewal. As we say, many things have to be corrected in Tesla’s ‘Yoke’, from the gear ratio to the strange and unintuitive position of the indicator controls. Soon we will see how it all ends.

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