VinFast electric cars delay their arrival in Europe

With a lifetime on the gas, VinFast has to lift its foot to start its European adventure. The global microchip crisis has forced the Vietnamese brand to delay marketing plans.

Throughout these years we have seen how VinFast fulfilled everything it promised. The Vietnamese have not stopped stepping on the accelerator since they were introduced to the world in 2017. In just five years they have gone from being a completely unknown local brand to one of the great pushers in the electric car industry. Impudence has been the general trend of all its actions, growing leap by leap in an industry where deadlines do not induce cuts. However, for the first time, VinFast is forced to put its foot on the brake. His arrival in Europe will be delayed for a few months, although it will not be canceled at all.

To whom more and to whom less, the global microchip crisis has affected their strategic plans. Many manufacturers have their assembly lines partially stopped due to the lack of the precious chips that feed the enormous number of computer systems. Throughout the last year, we have seen factories reduce their activity and even stop completely due to the lack of components. VinFast’s low production has never had to be compromised by this global problem, but when they have required more of the precious microchips, the industry has told them there aren’t any.

Almost in the same week, VinFast arrived at the port with the first detachment for the American market. A milestone that they have celebrated in style, as it deserves. For the next month of December, they hoped to be able to fulfill the same dream in Europe. Two large markets, two vast continents conquered barely a month apart, but it will not be like that. The lack of microchips for the units destined for Europe meant that the Vietnam offices had no choice but to stop the landing until they can count on a substantial number of units.

VinFast VF 6

The company, inform Automotive News that the delivery process is going to be delayed for a few months. Without specifying an exact date, the newly announced period indicates that it will not be until the beginning of 2023 when the first VinFast loaded ship will arrive in Europe. “The disruption of the global chip supply chain has affected VinFast and our production and delivery schedule in Europe. ” Likewise, the company has communicated that it is working with its suppliers to reduce the deficit of components and thus be able to start exporting in the coming months.

It should be remembered that the company’s official announcement included a powerful landing on the old continent. The commercial introduction will take place in France, the Netherlands, and Germany. With 50 sales centers distributed throughout the three countries, the aggressive commercial campaign includes a 10-year official guarantee for the car and the battery and quite interesting sales prices. Four cars are going to be available, from the VinFast VF 6 to the VinFast VF 9. All of them with an SUV body and 100% electric mechanics. The official presentation took place at the last Paris Salon, a city where they hope to open their first point of sale.

Months before we knew the price of those first units. The VinFast VF 8 destined for the D-SUV segment will offer up to 471 kilometers of autonomy for a starting price of 43,600 euros. Its older brother, the VF 9 will be able to reach approved autonomy of up to 580 kilometers with a minimum price of 58,200 euros. In the following months, the entry-level models will arrive, the VF 6 in the B segment and the VinFast VF 7 in the most popular category of all, that of compacts.

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